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F.A.Q. Board deasign by (www.logodesignbuzz.com)

What is G. Knowledge ?
- G. Knowledge is a complete general knowledge site. This is bank of question and answers. This is online viseable database.
Why G. Knowledge ?
- To warm up your mind. To update your mind. And for more educative and informative propose.
How do this site provide contents ?
- Contents of here are not persnal and not from ones mind. These are copied from books, websites, and asking to proffessionals. The personal contents are mentioned their credit with content.
What is General category ?
- General category is bank of general question answers. There contains mix, general and basic question answers.
What is Specified category ?
- Specified category is bank of categorised questions. There contains classified question answers. i.e. Sports, arts etc.
Is this a commercial site ?
- Not yet. Till now this is non profit site. Ads which contain here is displayed by XtGem host.
Is this site take fees of visiting and reading content and using tools ?
- Definately no. There all contents are for free.
What types of service will this site provide ?
- Gk question answers, informations, educative posts and useful tools.
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