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The Gita – Chapter 1 – Shloka 19

The earth and sky was filled with the extremely loud and terrible noise of the PANDAVAS’ bugles and voices which struck fear in the hearts of the KAURAVAS (the sons of Dhrtarashtra).

Thanks The Gita

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The links of rules of football:- Rule 1| Rule 2 | Rule 3| Rule 4| Rule 5| Rule 6| Rule 7| Rule 8| Rule 9| Rule 10| Rule 11| Rule 12| Rule 13| Rule 14| Rule 15| Rule 16| Rule 17
The formations and playing strategy of football.
- Sijan Tamang Waiba The Formations : There are 11 players on a team and there are several commonly used ways to arrange them ...more
Name of positions of players or divided classes of 11 players
- Sijan Tamang Waiba Hi, all football lovers ! Here i'm going to present that the playes name with position wise and formations ...more
How Does The Game Start ?
- Sijan Tamang Waiba Hi, all football lovers ....More
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