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You are here : Home /p/rules of football/ffaq/name-of-positions-of-players-or-divided-classes-of-11-players

- Sijan Tamang Waiba

Hi, all football lovers !
Here i'm going to present that the playes name with position wise and formations that how the team will fix their player position to attack or win !

The Players :
Normally we know that the players are 11 on both sides of teams in a match, however substitutes are also available. There are four classes in which the 11 players are divided. Firstly we'll know what they are below...

1. Goalkeepers : We know goalkeeper as keeper or goalie with the squad no. 1. S/He has to try and stop the other team from scoring (kicking the ball into his goal). During match s/he have to face kicks, direct free kicks, penalty kicks etc. The goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with his hands. Goalkeepers usually wears glove on their hands.

2. Defenders : The normal role of defenders is to try and stop the other team from scoring by protecting their goal. There are four types of defender: centre-back, sweeper, full-back and wing-back. The centre-back and full-back positions are essential in most modern formations. The sweeper and wing-back roles are more specialised for certain formations.

3. Midfielders : They are the players in between the defenders and strikers. They pass the ball to the strikers so they can score. Midfielders also help defenders (by defending their goal) and strikers (by trying to score themselves). Some midfielders play a more defensive role, while others blur the boundaries between midfielders and forwards. The number of midfielders on the team and their assigned roles depends on the team's formation; the collective group of these players on the field is sometimes referred to as the midfield.

4. Forwards or Strikers or attackers : Player who is in this position try to score goals by kicking the ball into the other team's goal. This way in the play forwarders or striker scores the goal more than other player.

Though in the opinion of this(the players) all the players position is according to formation of the team except goalkeeper. This means how many players will be in defenders, midfielders and forwards which is fixed on the teams playing formation.

Finally, the team and the player is in their position, the game starts. The midfilders are main to play ball and pass to their strikers for score. At this time if the midfielder of defending team capture the ball and send it for their striker to score, the difender of the main team defence the ball and even the defending teams striker is able to shoot the last option and opinion to prevent the goal scoring is of goalkeeper.

Though, midfielders are first, striker and defender is second the the last is goalkeeper to play the ball. But this is according to theoritical basis, in the play defender, midfielder and striker is equal.

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