To bring joy to DURYODHANA’s heart, the great grandsire BHISMA, the oldest and most famous of the KAURAVAS, roared loudly like a lion (a battle-cry), and blew his conch to signal the army to advance towards the enemy. |11|
Duryodhana instructed his army :
Now all of you quickly assume your proper positions for battle, your main goal being to protect and fight alongside BHISMA, your leader, by all means. |12|
Tremendous noise followed. Conches, kettle-drums, tabors, and trumpets and cowhorns blared across the battlefield. |13|
MADHAVA (Lord Krishna) and PANDAVA were seated in their magnificent chariote attached to white horses and they blew gracefully their divine conches. |14|
The PANCHAJANYA (the name of one of the conches) was blown by HRISHIKESA (Lord Krishna). The conch named DEVADATTA was blown by DHANANJAYA (Arjuna).|15|
The King YUDISHTHIRA. the son of KUNTI blew the great conch called ANANTAVIYAYA: NAKUL and SAHDEV blew SUGHOSHA and MANIPUSHPAKA (also names of conches). |16|
Several conches were also blown by :
The ruler of KASI. the great warrior SIKHANDI, DHRSTHTADYUMNA, VIRATA, and SATYAKI, the invincible. |17|
DRUPADA and the sons of DRAUPADI, and the mighty armed son of SUBHADRA also blew their several conches. |18|
The earth and sky was filled with the extremely loud and terrible noise of the PANDAVAS’ bugles and voices which struck fear in the hearts of the KAURAVAS (the sons of Dhrtarashtra).|19|
ARJUNA, whose flag was that of HANUMAN See the KAURAVAS (the army of Dhrtarashtra), positioned and ready to begin fighting.|20|
Thanks for : TheGita.Net