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Science post-2

1. Which of the following is not an ore of Aluminium ?
(A) Felsper
(B) Bauxite
(C) Cryolite
(D) Azurite
Ans : Azurite
2. Most soluble in water is —
Ans : Sugar
3. Bromine is —
Ans : A red liquid.
4. The metal used in storage batteries —
Ans : Lead
5. Water has maximum density at —
Ans : 4°C
6. The chemial name of Uria is —
Ans : Carbamide
7. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding —
Ans : Washing Soda
8. The formula of Plaster of Paris is —
Ans : 2CaSO4, H2O
9. Which of the following substance is a bad conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat ?
Ans : Mica.
10. Carborandum is —
Ans : Silicon Carbide
11. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity ?
Ans : Silver
12. Washing soda is the common name of —
Ans : Sodium Carbonate
13. The filament of electric bulb is made of —
Ans : Tungsten
14. Bleaching powder is made from —
Ans : Lime and Chlorine
15. The two elements that are frequently used for making transistors are —
Ans : Silicon and Germinium
16. Which of the following gas is not known as green house gas ?
Ans : Nitrous oxide
17. Which of the following is not a neutral oxide ?
(A) Carbon Monoxide
(B) Sulphur Dioxide
(C) Water
(D) Nitric Oxide
Ans : Sulphur Dioxide
18. Which of the following is used in making smoke bombs ?
(A) Sulphur
(B) Phosphorus
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Carbon
Ans : Phosphorus 19. Caustic Soda is —
Ans : NaOH
20. Chemical formula of Water glass is —
Ans : Na2SiO3
21. Which of the following is not a bleaching agent ?
(A) Sulpher di-oxide
(B) Carbon di-oxide
(C) Sodium hypochlorite
(D) Chlorine
Ans : Carbon di-oxide
22. The gas usually filled in electric bulb is —
Ans : Nitrogen
23. Heavy water is —
Ans : Deuterium oxide
24. The gases used in different types of welding would include —
Ans : Oxygen & acetylene
25. Which of the following alloys is used for making magnets ?
(A) Duralumin
(B) Stainless Steel
(C) Alnico
(D) Magnelium
Ans : Alnico
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