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Asar 15,Ropain Festival

Festival Asar 15, Planting Rice
Planting rice - Courtesy Phalano.Com

Asar 15(asar pandhra), a special day for farmers is also known as Ropain festival, or Dahhi Cheeura Khane Din. It is a special day when farmers enjoy agriculture and celebrates by having curd with beaten-rice. So the month of Asar (June/July) is favourable for paddy cultivation due to rainy season. In this month, we(farmers) are busy with cultivation of rice on hills and plains specially of Nepal. Farmers, and literally every Nepalese, consider the day as the day for "growing quintal by planting kilos." So we celebrate this day as festival. Mostly we go to the paddy field, play with the mud and water and plough the field and dig the field, then plant the rice. Along with this activity we will eat beaten rice and curd, popularly known as dahi-chiura in nepali.

"To save nationality save your calture,"-Most of us are familier with this proverb. Actually this is directly right that, if we have to save us or our nationality we must and must have to save our calture and well tredition with erasing bad. But think once!, have we remain this ? Were we aweare for this ? No, except some, most of us no. So what is our position ? What is our opinion and right ? Ah, we have to know self, do self because this is our own calture. In this way no-one is coming us to awake us, we have to self. So we and specially teens and youths must have to raise and move forward to save this.

Planting Rice
Planting rice - Courtesy Ekantipur

Asar pandhra, the direct connection of this day is with agro work, speciall agricalture and farmer. We have to review our youth power due to celebreting this festival. In percent most percent of our youths are at foreign country or at abroad, and some are here. Abroad goers are source of remitance to nepal this way "they are supporting goverment to feed or pay fee for leaders." But except some who are at nepal are out of work. This is very big and bad problem, unemployment. "Unemployment ! :D ! this is self generated problem by youths or by us." This is why we can't find out or we being lazy for this "Agricalture".

So guys ! move on. The huge resource is ahead of us. We have to move forward to work. Raise up our arms, catch goods to use and do use. If the treditional way is insufficient to us we have to move for scientific cultivation. Many and more mdern and science based terms and ways are ahead of us, even the agricalture is self science or art. Personally I can say "agro work is one of art of living". "In these days this is being art of leaving," but we have to change.

If we don't who will ? If don't now when ? So youts Move. Move. Move.

-Sijan Tamang Waiaba
Village Agro Worker, Dhading
One of the youth farmer
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